At Tribeca, Documentaries Dig Deep Beyond the Headlines

Frank Wuterich, Sandra Bland and Rachel Dolezal captured the attention of the country for weeks, sometimes months, only to eventually be eclipsed by fresher faces in the news.But documentary filmmakers couldn’t forget their stories – or those of other news makers.

So they decided to investigate further, peeling back the proverbial onion on stories that had once been under a short-term microscope.

The result is seven documentaries at this year’s Tribeca Film Festival that explore the truths, the lies and the aftermath of stories we thought that we knew.Michael Epstein got the idea to make “House Two” 12 years ago when he read about the 2005 Haditha, Iraq, massacre, where U.S.

Marines killed 24 unarmed Iraqi men, women, and children — some of them at close range inside a small bedroom.“I began working on this film when the massacre was a part of media diet,” Epstein says.

“I thought I

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