‘Barbie’ Gets 12A Rating in the U.K. for Strong Language, Mild Innuendo and ‘Dangerous Behavior’

While this summer’s hotly-anticipated “Barbie” movie has only dropped the vaguest hints about what fans can except, the British Board of Film Classification has offered some more clues after awarding the film a 12A rating on Monday.The org, which is responsible for age rating films in the U.K., cited “bleeped strong language,” “moderate innuendo” and “dangerous behavior,” referring to a scene in which “a child melts a doll’s hair using a lighter” to explain the 12A classification.Among the details that made the BBFC decide the film’s younger audiences would require adult supervision are “comic fight scenes” including “punches, kicks, headbutts and use of improvised weapons” and “occasional verbal references to death and mental health.” According to the organization, fans can also expect to see a car chase.A scene that is briefly shown in the trailer – where Barbie punches a man after he slaps…

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