‘Black Mirror’ Creator Charlie Brooker Tried Using ChatGPT to Write an Episode: It Was ‘Sh*t’

Black Mirror” creator Charlie Brooker opted to use a screenwriter’s worst nightmare to generate an episode of the psychological thriller anthology series.Brooker revealed to Empire that he attempted to use A.I.

bot ChatGPT to write an episode of the upcoming sixth season.

The rise of A.I.

in the writers’ room is one contention of the ongoing WGA strike.“I’ve toyed around with ChatGPT a bit,” Brooker said.

“The first thing I did was type ‘generate “Black Mirror” episode’ and it comes up with something that, at first glance, reads plausibly, but on second glance, is shit.”He added, “Because all it’s done is look up all the synopses of ‘Black Mirror’ episodes, and sort of mush them together.

Then if you dig a bit more deeply you go, ‘Oh, there’s not actually any real original thought here.’”However, Brooker admitted that the…

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