Blade review – Wesley Snipes is back in excitingly macabre vampire horror

Snipes is a charismatic vampire-human action hero in this exciting, energetic pre-mcu Marvel movie from 1998The first film in the Blade trilogy, made in 1998, is getting a re-release: Wesley Snipes is the implacable and massively ripped daywalker marching around in his shades and leatherised protective armour, slaying the vampires with his cold steel implements and martial-arts skills.

Part action hero, part superhero, Blade is a vampire-human halfbreed born from a pregnant woman, for whom labour was horribly induced by the trauma of being bitten.

So he has vampire powers but is endowed with the ability to withstand daylight; he is forced to consume a certain serum to suppress his blood-thirst, a methadone substitute for the real thing.As a homeless, friendless street kid, Blade came under the protection of Abraham Whistler (Kris Kristofferson), a tough old guy who instilled in Blade the vampire-hunting vocation.

N’Bushe Wright plays Karen Jenson, the

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