‘Blue Beetle’ Director Was Ready to Pitch a ‘Bane Origin Story’ Film When Warner Bros. Called About a DC Movie

When Warner Bros.

contacted “Charm City Kings” filmmaker Angel Manuel Soto about potentially directing a DC comic book tentpole, he geared up to pitch the studio on a much different movie.“I wanted to pitch ideas, and one of them was the Bane origin story,” Soto recently told Den of Geek magazine.

“I always thought that there was something interesting in exploring his reality and how a character like that comes to be… [but] the conversation was not about that.”According to Soto, Warner Bros.

already had “Blue Beetle” in mind for him to direct.

He recalled the studio saying, “There’s this character that we’ve been developing for a couple of years.

The Blue Beetle, a Latino superhero.”It’s not the first time someone has tried to bring Bane back to the big screen following Tom Hardy’s portrayal in Christopher Nolan’s “The Dark Knight Rises.” Dave Bautista…

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