Boots Riley Claims David Fincher’s Films Promote a ‘Distorted Worldview’ Reflected in His ‘Confused Take on the Strike’

David Fincher made an appearance in Venice on Sunday to promote his new Michael Fassbender-led Netflix film “The Killer.” While his press conference largely focused on praising his collaborators and expressing his excitement for his new crime thriller, he also briefly addressed the ongoing Writers Guild of America and SAG-AFTRA strikes.

Fincher expressed hope that the two guilds could reach mutually beneficial deals with the AMPTP because he can “see both sides” of the dispute.His comments didn’t impress Boots Riley.

The “I’m a Virgo” director took to Twitter to criticize Fincher’s answer about the strikes — and cited a comment about Fassbender’s character as evidence that Fincher’s films propogate a “distorted worldview.””My hope is someone will see this film and get very nervous about the person in line behind them at Home Depot”This is who he hopes his films will convince ppl to see as their enemy.

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