‘Buffy the Vampire Slayer’s Most Controversial Season Is Better Than You Remember

Buffy the Vampire Slayer was an iconic TV series well-known for being equal parts funny and heartbreaking, all the while crossing over into just about every genre there is.

It was an action/comedy/drama/romance/fantasy/coming-of-age show that aired between 1997 and 2003, with 144 episodes airing across seven seasons.

It was by no means a perfect show throughout its entire run, but the highs outweigh the lows to the point where most will agree that it holds some sort of classic status among other shows of the late 1990s/early 2000s.

Most viewers of the show will also agree that some seasons were better than others.

Season 2 is well-loved for introducing more overarching story elements and going to darker places emotionally, Season 3 is beloved for its consistency and the way it effectively ended the high-school-centered era of the show, and Season 5 is revered for being bold, heartbreaking, and emotionally riveting.

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