Cillian Murphy Says ‘Oppenheimer’ Deleted Scenes Don’t Exist: Christopher Nolan Doesn’t ‘Fiddle Around Trying to Change the Story’

Oppenheimer” is Christopher Nolan’s longest movie at 180 minutes, but don’t expect it to get even longer whenever it arrives on home video.

Neither a director’s cut of the atomic bomb epic nor deleted scenes from the movie exist, Cillian Murphy recently told Collider.“There’s no deleted scenes in Chris Nolan movies,” Murphy added.

“That’s why there are no DVD extras on his movies because the script is the movie.

He knows exactly what’s going to end up – he’s not fiddling around with it trying to change the story.

That is the movie.”Nolan’s movies are often big-budget productions (“Oppenheimer” carried a $100 million price tag), and his decision to shoot on film doesn’t make things cheaper.

Nolan goes into his film shoots knowing exactly what he needs to capture, nothing more and nothing less.“I tend to try and weed things out…

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