CinemaScore Fires Back at Martin Scorsese, Accuses Him of ‘Censoring His Fans’ from ‘Voicing Their Opinions’

CinemaScore executive Harold Mintz is defending his company after receiving criticism from Martin Scorsese.

The “Goodfellas” director slammed aggregator websites like Rotten Tomatoes and CinemaScore during his speech at the TCM Classic Film Festival last month.

Scorsese claimed these websites are “devaluing cinema” by giving off the impression that every film is meant to be instantly judged before viewers have time to see it and think about it.“To begin, it’s important that it’s understood that CinemaScore should not be looped with Rotten Tomatoes,” Mintz told The Playlist.

“CinemaScore’s inception was to poll opening night moviegoers to let others who don’t attend opening night know if the film is worth their hard earned money.

To loop CinemaScore with a critic based service (Rotten Tomatoes) shows that Mr.

Scorsese has no understanding of what CinemaScore represents.”CinemaScore works by polling select audiences on the opening night of

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