Clint Eastwood’s Failed 2021 Awards Contender Found A New Audience On Netflix

As (in)famous as Clint Eastwood is for playing reticent gun-slingers and starring in violent conservative fantasies, he’s spent nearly as much of his career making films that warn against the dangers of machismo and letting your sons grow up to be cowboys.

His 2021 directorial effort, “Macho-2021-movie-posters/”>Cry Macho,” is a chip off the same block.

Eastwood stars in the ’80s-set drama as Mike Milo, a former rodeo star who agrees to deliver a teen boy named Rafo (Eduardo Minett) from Mexico City to his father in Texas.

Along the way, Mike tries to dissuade Rafo of the notion that acting “macho” is any way to go through life.

Macho” is also the name of Rafo’s rooster, who tags along with the duo.

I’m betting you never expected an Eastwood film to share a plot point with Disney’s “Moana,” did you?The general response to “Macho-2021-movie-posters/”>Cry Macho” was polite if decidedly lukewarm.

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