‘Counterpart’ Shocker: The Cast and Creator Break Down the Starz Espionage Thriller’s Biggest Twist Yet

[Editor’s note: The following contains spoilers for the “Counterpart” Season 1, Episode 6, “Act Like You’ve Been Here Before.”]When a show starts off establishing a world with an entire parallel existence, there aren’t many other places to go to shock an audience.

But at the end of Episode 6 of “Counterpart,” the show delivered its most seismic twist so far.An hour that saw the brutal end of jovial undercover Alpha butcher shop owner Heinrich, the true identity of Alexander Pope’s man on the inside, and some creative use of pangrams also brought the series’ most mysterious character into focus.

Turns out that Clare, the middle-class supermarket shopper also doubling as an envoy for Baldwin the assassin, is actually the wife of Peter Quayle, Director of Strategy for the series’ inter-reality spy agency.In the waning moments of the season’s sixth hour, Quayle (Harry Lloyd) finally puts the pieces together, realizing that the search for the mole inside Strategy has led him the one person he never suspected.

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