Creating Friday The 13th’s 3D Sequel Was A Challenge For Director Steve Miner

The “Friday the 13th” franchise has 12 entries in it so far, if we are to count 2003’s franchise crossover film, “Freddy vs.

Jason.” The success of the first two films in the franchise helped solidify the mythos of Jason Voorhees as a slasher villain, and it was up to 1982’s “Friday the 13th Part III” to finish the trilogy on a resounding note.

This obviously did not end up being the case, as the franchise spawned multiple entries that furthered Jason’s legacy over the years.

However, the franchise’s longevity cannot be attributed to the success of “Part III.” While the film performed well at the box office, it received negative critical reviews for its shoddy kills and rehashed “slash n kill” routine.”Part III” director Steve Miner was aware of the challenges of filming this particular installment from the get-go.

The film was supposed to follow a traumatized Ginny Field

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