Danny Boyle’s Debut Thriller Rivals ’90s American Indie Movies

In the United States, 1990s cinema is often defined by the mainstream rise of independent films.

Once an underground phenomenon, with the help of Miramax and the Sundance Film Festival, working against the system, away from big budgets and corporate oversight became the norm and helped create the most coveted types of movies for audiences.

Indie directors such as Steven Soderbergh, Spike Lee, Wes Anderson, and most notably, Quentin Tarantino emerged as stars with distinct visions.

Tarantino, specifically, inspired a generation of aspiring filmmakers to pick up a camera and flourish their unique voice and break all the preconceived filmmaking rules in the process.

Great Britain was also experiencing an indie boom of its own at that time, thanks to the groundbreaking cinematic voice of Danny Boyle and his directorial debut, Shallow Grave.

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