‘Dawn of the Dead’s Unofficial Sequel Is One of the Bloodiest Movies Ever

Everyone knows that George A.

Romero’s Dead series basically created the zombie subgenre as we know it today, but did you know that Dawn of the Dead in particular had an unofficial Italian sequel that went on to create its own massive franchise? That’s right, Italian filmmaker Lucio Fulci was such a massive fan of Dawn that he created his own follow-up, simply titled Zombi 2.

Fulci’s movie went on to be such a big hit in its own right that it got its own official sequel…

then another, and another, and then a ton of unofficial sequels, and so on.

Yeah, the Zombie series is just about one of the strangest in all of horror.

It’s also one of the ballsiest, nastiest, and grimiest that you’ll find.

These movies absolutely rock, so if you dig George A.

Romero’s movies, want to drop the satirical elements, and crank…

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