Deadpool 2: strange deaths and supercharged irony – discuss with spoilers

The first Deadpool changed comic book movies almost overnight.

But does the same chemistry flow through the potty-mouthed mutant’s veins this time around?• Warning: This article is for readers who have seen Deadpool 2 and contains major spoilers• Sign up for Film Today and get our film team’s highlights of the dayThe first Deadpool changed the face of comic book movies almost overnight.

Would Taika Waititi have been able to get away with the son of Odin’s reinvention as a wisecracking, fourth-wall-breaking god of thunder in Thor: Ragnarok without Tim Miller’s freewheeling splash of superhero irreverence? Almost certainly not.

Even more vitally, it established that the audience for these films is maturing, that there is room in the comic-book pantheon for some R-rated, amusingly puerile buffoonery, and that Ryan Reynolds (against all previous evidence) really does have the star power to lead his own superhero franchise.

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