‘Deadpool’: Donald Glover’s Mock Script Reveals What May End Up Being Marvel’s Downfall — A Fear of Risk-Taking

You may have seen Donald Glover’s 15-page script for an “Deadpool” episode titled “Finale,” which he posted to Twitter Wednesday — but did you read it? If you didn’t, then you might think it was a cheeky script leak, the sort we’ve seen before when discussing the merc with a mouth.That’s because we wouldn’t be talking about “Deadpool” in the context of film and television if there hadn’t been a previous rogue move made by someone (most likely rumored to be Tim Miller, who ended up directing the first “Deadpool” film) to leak a film test featuring Ryan Reynolds in character, talking directly to camera (even saying “Hi, Tom,” a reference to former Fox CEO Tom Rothman).

While it’s never been confirmed that Miller leaked the footage, the way an early scene of the “Deadpool” film is almost a carbon copy of the

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