Don’t Expect To Find Deleted Oppenheimer Scenes Anywhere – Here’s Why

After witnessing the propulsive pace and devastating awe contained in the WWII epic “Oppenheimer,” it’s pretty clear that its writer and director has been thinking about this story for a long time.

It may even be the most Christopher Nolan film that Christopher Nolan has ever made.

At over three hours, the sprawling film spans the crucial years of Oppenheimer‘s life in great detail.

Everything Nolan wanted to say with this film was said, which means there won’t be any kind of director’s cut on the horizon that delves any deeper into one of the most significant time periods of the 20th century.Star Cillian Murphy, who has worked closely with Nolan on more than one occasion, confirmed to Collider that every scene they shot during production appears in the finished film:”There’s no deleted scenes in Chris Nolan movies.

That’s why there are no DVD extras on his movies…

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