‘Emergency’: Meet the Filmmaking Duo Who Crossed ‘Harold & Kumar’ with ‘Get Out’ for a Sundance Hit

Emergency” begins with a fairly familiar college comedy premise — a party challenge.Best friends and seniors Kunle (Donald Elisa Watkins) and Sean (Rj Cuyler) set out to hit up every major Greek party on their campus circuit, something that was long ago dubbed a “Legendary Tour.” But being two young Black men in a not-your-average college party movie, the fun is over before it begins.

Their epic night is abruptly interrupted by the sudden appearance of a young white girl, who the guys find passed out in their living room.

Together with their friend and comedy sidekick Carlos (Sebastian Chacon), this trio is faced with an impossible dilemma: Whether to call 911 or not.What ensues is a darkly funny social satire that teeters on the verge of horror at every turn — a scathing reflection of the everyday occurrences that can too quickly turn horrific for young Black men.That premise

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