Film Review: Amy Schumer in ‘I Feel Pretty’

At the outset of “I Feel Pretty,” Amy Schumer plays a woman who doesn’t believe she’s beautiful.

If you agree with her, then the comedian’s high-concept body-image satire — in which a nasty concussion gives her supposedly schlubby character an empowering shot of self-confidence — is liable to be hilarious.

If, on the other hand, you accept that real women have curves, then this full-frontal takedown of the fashion industry’s impossible beauty standards actually feels quite tragic, since the on-fire actress comes across as trying way too hard to convince herself of what anyone can plainly see: that she’s amazing.Unfortunately for many American women — but conceivably good for the movie’s box office chances — contemporary audiences have been so corrupted by heavily airbrushed magazine spreads, surgically enhanced supermodels, and unrealistically proportioned porn stars that they’ll readily accept Schumer as a dowdy fixer-upper.

In a fearless move,

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