Film Review: ‘Let Yourself Go”

If you thought seders at your great-aunt Rivka’s were dully predictable affairs, you may want to skip Francesco Amato’s bland Italian laffer “Let Yourself Go.” Set in Rome’s Jewish community, this formulaic comedy about an uptight shrink who loosens up thanks to a shiksa personal trainer is standard-issue Italian fare, with the sole difference being that everyone isn’t Catholic.

Stateside Jewish niche distributor Menemsha Films knows its audience (Florida is the first stop); it’s not to be confused with having an appeal to the art-house crowd — unless foreign language is the sole criterion.

Local box office finished modestly last spring with just over $2 million in receipts, though the film did win best comedy at the Italian Golden Globes.Even the great Toni Servillo, usually so adept at freshly delineating each new role, feels old hat here as Elia Venezia, a Freudian psychotherapist more interested in pastries than patients.

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