Forget Cats: in a close-run field, Marriage Story was the musical highlight of my holiday

A good musical should make you believe that there really is a world where people spontaneously burst into songSo, apparently there was lots of good TV on over the holiday break.

Some book adaptations, perhaps? Maybe a sexed-up period drama? Alas, I missed it all.

Instead, I was watching Noah Baumbach’s Marriage Story, his semi-autobiographical film about divorce.

Because what better way to capture the festive spirit than watching a couple scream at one another? Except, that’s not really what I did, either, because when I say, “I watched Marriage Story”, what I actually mean is, I’ve been rewatching the same three minutes on Netflix, as if I were caught in a never-ending temporal loop.Now that movies are increasingly released almost straight to streaming, going to the cinema feels almost as quaint as buying a book in hardback.

And while Martin Scorsese might bemoan this development,

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