From Andor to The Rings of Power, Why Prequels Are Perfect for TV

Remember when “prequel” was a bad word? Something that would make you groan over how obvious it is that the concept is a cash grab.

Something about going backwards can make the product feel more soulless than if they had just made a sequel to move the story forward, even if that forward momentum just led to more of the same.

Especially in the world of films, prequels were almost always looked down upon.

This is largely due to the initial response to both the Star Wars prequels and The Hobbit movies, both of which were highly anticipated and ultimately ended up disappointing fans and critics.

For years prequels were left for straight-to-video bargain bins, like The Scorpion King sequels or any number of Disney prequels.

Sometimes a good one would sneak in, but the glut of them gave them a pretty bad reputation.

The ’90s all the way

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