Futurama’s Hulu Revival Made A Small But Crucial Change To The Show

When Matt Groening’s and David X.

Cohen’s “Futurama” debuted in 1999, it aired on Fox and fit neatly into the traditional network TV 30-minute time slot.

Most half-hour TV shows were typically only about 22 minutes of actual programming, allowing for two extended commercial breaks roughly at the 10-minute mark and the 20-minute mark.

Because they were beholden to that stringent schedule, most network TV shows worked their writing down to a science, writing stories that could only be told in a very specific way.

To some readers, the structure may sound creatively limiting, but one might also recall that old saying about creation vis-à-vis necessity.

For generations, TV writing expertly crafted stories that could fit into 30- or 60-minute time slots with ease, carefully writing in climactic moments or comedic punchlines right at the commercial breaks. This structure certainly aided “Futurama,” which was forced to be jaunty and light…

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