‘Game of Thrones’ Should Have Given This Character a Better Death

In a sentiment that might be reiterated until the end of media itself, Game of Thrones Season 8 left a ruinous landscape in its wake.

Practically every character fell victim to incoherent writing choices.

In the best circumstances, a character simply went out with fanfare amounting to an underwhelming “kaput.” In the worst case scenarios, their arcs were mangled so poorly that the remnants shriveled into dust out of embarrassment.

Somehow, Cersei Lannister (Lena Headey) suffered both fates in one go.

There are as many reasons why the villainess deserved a better conclusion as there are why she was a leading, longstanding television presence: psychological complexity, a Shakespearean performance, and a viable threat to every continent.

Rocks falling, killing the Lannister twins in the process, was the least satisfying ending conceivable for this particular cultural zeitgeist and left all aspects of Cersei unresolved — her acumen, her depravity, and her precarious, precious vulnerability.

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