Game Of Thrones’ Showrunners Pranked Kit Harington With A Gruesome Fake Script

Some pretty horrible things happen to people on “Game of Thrones.” Characters get beheaded, maimed, burned, castrated, assaulted, blinded, paralyzed, and just generally injured across the show’s eight seasons.

The world created by George R.R.

Martin in his “A Song of Ice and Fire” novel series is unforgiving, and no one is safe from the pain.

Even though so many gruesome things happen, there is a surprising lack of visual evidence from the harms some characters endure.

Jaime Lannister has his hand chopped off, but he gets to wear a golden prosthetic in its place.

In the books, Tyrion Lannister has his nose sliced off, whereas in the show Peter Dinklage just sports a scar across his face.

The Hound’s head had been burned, but the burning took place prior to the show’s starting point.There’s several reasons for this.

Having someone wear a prosthetic or laborious makeup season after…

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