George R.R. Martin Developing Animated ‘Ice Dragon’ Movie With Warner Bros.

Warner Bros.

is developing George R.R.

Martin’s fantasy novel “The Ice Dragon” as an animated movie with the “Game of Thrones” writer on board as a producer.“The Ice Dragon,” first published in 1980, is the story of a young girl and the ice dragon she befriends in a mythical land of frigid snow after the death of her mother.

The ice dragon was an untamed creature of legend and fear, and when it flew overhead, it left in its wake desolate cold and frozen land, but the girl was unafraid because she was a winter child, born during the worst freeze that anyone could remember.

Her friendship leads to the ice dragon defending the girl’s world from fiery dragons on a summer day.Martin’s manager Vince Gerardis is set to executive produce.

Warner Bros.

Animation Group chiefs Allison Abbate and Chris Leahy are overseeing the project for the studio.

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