Getting Clearance For Tmnt: Mutant Mayhem’s Best Needle Drop Was A Challenge [Exclusive]

This article contains spoilers for “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem.””Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem” is one of the best animated movies of the year: a film that reinvents and reinvigorates the franchise by focusing on the teenage part of “Tmnt,” casting actual kids to voice the Turtles and having them record together to capture a sense of spontaneity.”Mutant Mayhem” also has a most excellent soundtrack, filled with classic ’90s hip hop and the kind of songs you’d hear while playing “Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater.” After “The Super Mario Bros.

Movie” gave us some of the worst needle drops in cinema, it is a delight to see “Mutant Mayhem” use the songs that actually help the story and reflect the personalities of the Turtles and other characters.One of the best needle drops in the film is “No Diggity” by Blackstreet featuring Dr.

Dre and Queen Pen,…

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