Goose Was Recast With Two New Cat Actors For The Marvels

In Anna Boden’s and Ryan Fleck’s 2019 superhero film “Captain Marvel,” the title character (Brie Larson) has a cat she named Goose.

Goose, a Garfield-like orange tabby, was named after the character played by Anthony Edwards in the 1986 film “Top Gun.” But it would later be revealed that Goose was not a cat at all, but a shape-shifting alien creature called a flerkin, a voracious squid-like alien that can swallow human-sized prey whole before returning to the size of a house cat, presumably digesting its meals very, very quickly.

It was Goose that scratched Nick Fury (Samuel L.

Jackson) across his eye, leaving him wearing his signature eyepatch. According to a 2019 piece in Collider, “Captain Marvel” hired four different cat actors to play Goose throughout the film.

Their names were Gonzo, Rizzo, Archie, and Reggie.

One of them was hired because it has good at being held, one had the most attractive cat face,…

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