Hannah Montana & Miley Cyrus Concert Film Redefined Box Office Hit

No movie is entirely devoid of worth or conversation-starters — case in point, Hannah Montana and Miley Cyrus: Best of Both Worlds Concert.

Turning 15 years old this month, this feature, at first glance, doesn’t seem to be anything particularly special.

It pleased its target demographic back in February 2008 and reinforced just how ubiquitous the Hannah Montana brand was in the late 2000s.

What else is there to talk about when it comes to this motion picture? But look a little bit closer and Hannah Montana and Miley Cyrus: Best of Both Worlds Concert is downright fascinating in how it’s the kind of box office hit that Hollywood will never be able to replicate.

Who could’ve known at the time, when Miley Cyrus was belting out “Nobody’s Perfect,” that we were all witnessing the end of an era?

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