HBO’s The Last Of Us Rewrites The Story Of Its Most Disturbing Villains

This post contains major spoilers for episode 8 of “The Last of Us.”Everything happens for a reason, right? This week’s episode of “The Last of Us” covers one of the most harrowing, memorable chapters of the original game.

After a brief interlude to Ellie’s (Bella Ramsey) past, we pick right back up to the 14-year-old taking care of a bedridden Joel (Pedro Pascal), still healing from his wound.

Here, the story takes a bold reversal — for now, Ellie is the duo’s protector, and it’s up to her to make sure they survive this cruel winter.While on the hunt for food, Ellie comes across David (Scott Shepherd) and James, two shady characters who claim to come from a larger group who make an offer.

In exchange for the buck she’s hunted, they offer her shelter and supplies.

Without revealing her motives, Ellie asks for medicine.

While James fetches what Ellie needs,

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