‘House of Cards’ Has a Ludicrous Ending That Resolves Nothing — Except What Netflix Really Values in 2018

[Editor’s Note: The following article contains spoilers for “House of Cards” Season 6, including the ending.

Read our earlier review for a spoiler-free analysis.]“House of Cards” ends with two people fighting over a dead guy’s legacy.

That may seem fitting for a show that serves as the last gasp of Kevin Spacey’s career, but Netflix’s torchbearer series goes out with all smoke and no fire.

It’s a hazy, empty ending that begs the question: Why make this at all?The final episode circles around the same question as the final season: Who killed Frank Underwood? Setting aside the misguided nature of structuring Robin Wright’s first season as the lead around her disgraced co-star’s dead character, let’s cut to the chase: Doug Stamper did it.

On the night in question, Doug (Michael Kelly) intercepted the former president when he went to the White House to kill his wife.

Frank was pissed at

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