How Finn Wolfhard’s ‘Hell of a Summer’ Pushes Beyond the Horror Genre

Horror films can embrace so much more than just horror.

Comedy, romance, action, and much more can all be packed into a film made to frighten.

For their directorial debut, Finn Wolfhard and Billy Bryk aimed for more than just a simple horror flick with Hell of a Summer.

A throwback slasher comedy set at summer camp before campers arrive, the film pulls from both classic horror comedies like Shaun of the Dead and vintage slashers like Friday the 13th to create its own unique feel.

Following the film’s Toronto International Film Festival premiere, the team spoke to Collider’s Steve Weintraub at our TIFF media studio at the Cinema Center at Marbl where cast members Fred Hechinger and Abby Quinn promised there’s much more than horror in the project.

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