How Similar Is ‘Die Hard’ to the Book ‘Nothing Lasts Forever’?

The Christmas action classic Hard-1988-movie-posters/”>Die Hard would make for a great book, a real page-turner with its intensity, fascinating characters, high stakes, and more.

Except it’s already been a book, specifically the 1979 Roderick Thorp novel Nothing Lasts Forever.

The book itself is a sequel to one of Thorp’s earlier novels, The Detective, which had been adapted into a Hard-1988-movie-posters/”>Die Hard prequel of sorts starring Frank Sinatra.

His hope to have Sinatra reprise the role in the sequel didn’t work out.

After several years, the novel would be adapted as Hard-1988-movie-posters/”>Die Hard.

Some changes had to be made to turn Thorp’s novel into the Bruce Willis vehicle we know and love, but just how different are the two?…

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