How Some Dirty Dishes Inspired The Look Of Star Wars’ Millennium Falcon

She’s the ship that made the Kessel Run in less than 12 parsecs.

She can outrun Imperial starships.

She’s fast.

She is the Millennium Falcon, and while she may not look like much, she’s got it where it counts.

As for why she looks like, per Luke Skywalker, “a piece of junk,” that’s a surprisingly convoluted story born out of Joe Johnston’s literal kitchen sink.It’s also a reminder of why George Lucas’ “Star Wars” became a zeitgeist-capturing blockbuster the likes of which hadn’t been seen since “Gone with the Wind.” Lucas combined his love of Westerns, Akira Kurosawa’s samurai films, and hot rods to make a sci-fi fantasy with a lived-in aesthetic.

He wasn’t trying to blow audiences away with sleek, futuristic design work.

He wanted his space opera to feel like a world ravaged by conflict.

This meant his spacecraft had to look beaten to crap.So…

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