Human Torch’s Messy Licensing Drama Gave Marvel Fans Two Beloved Characters

While the Marvel Universe has seen a number of characters make the leap from the comic page onto the big and small screens, the property that seems to be the hardest to adapt is Fantastic Four.

The quartet of superpowered adventurers hasn’t exactly had the best luck when it comes to film adaptations.

The Roger Corman-produced film from 1994 has more or less been regulated to circulated videotapes and cult legends.

The Tim Story films, while possessing a solid cast, didn’t exactly make an impact.

The less said about 2015’s Fant4stic, the better.

But the Four’s struggle for screen time extended far beyond their film woes.

In fact, it was one of the team’s most popular members – the Human Torch – that was largely responsible for the calamity that befell the Four.

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