‘I won’t be getting my kit off again’: The Full Monty’s Robert Carlyle on the role of a lifetime

Robert Carlyle’s life has been defined by two remarkable characters: the explosively violent Begbie, and Gaz in The Full Monty.

Here, he talks about his Glasgow childhood, Britpop hedonism – and playing the Pm…It was 1997, and Robert Carlyle was in his mid-30s, when he first played the stripping Sheffield steelworker Gaz in The Full Monty.

Last year, to get ready to play him again – this time for an eight-part TV series – he sat himself down to watch the film.

He seems slightly embarrassed to admit it – he’s not the kind of actor who likes to watch himself.

“And I’m not about trawling back through something from 20-odd years ago,” he says.

But The Full Monty was calling him to South Yorkshire, so trawl back he did.

He decided that he would watch a few minutes, then he would move on.

“And I sat there and watched the whole thing.

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