Indiecan snaps up ‘Waking The Sleeping Giant’ doc

Former presidential hopeful Bernie Saunders among talking heads.Indiecan Entertainment has acquired North American rights at the Efm to Purple Frog Productions’ documentary Waking the Sleeping Giant: The Making Of A Political Revolution.The film tells the story of the Us presidential election in 2016 and the effort to build a re-energised progressive political movement.Jon D.

Erickson and Jacob Smith directed, and Erickson, Smith, and Kathryn Goldman served as producers.The filmmakers began shooting in January 2015 and followed five people including Us former presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders, and a West Virginia coal country native.Included are a Black Lives Matter activist in Los Angeles, and two millennial organisers leading peaceful demonstrations and sit-ins against the corrupting influence of money in politics.Indiecan negotiated the deal with the producers.

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