Intl. Teaser Trailer for Academy Award Winner Armando Bo’s ‘Animal’ (Exclusive, Watch)

Armando Bo’s “Animal,” one of the most-anticipated Argentine films this year, now has a teaser trailer which hints at the background, some more plot, and above all pace of the return to Spanish-Language filmmaking of Bo, an Academy Award winning screenwriter for Alejandro G.

Inárritu’s “Birdman or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance).”.Disney’s Buena Vista Intl.

will release “Animal” in Argentina this May.

The psychological thriller marks the first time that Viacom International Media Networks -Americas itself is overseeing Latin American distribution rights for all platforms on a Latin American featureVariety has been granted exclusive access to its international version.

Written by Bo and his partner Nicolás Giacobone, the Oscar-winning writing team behind Alejandro G.

Iñarritú’s “Birdman,” “Animal” stars Guillermo Francella, the principled alcoholic of “The Secret in Their Eyes” and cold blue-eyed evil-incarnate patriarch of “The Clan.” France appears in almost every scene save for two of Carla Peterson,

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