Itvs Wants to Pay for Your Next Documentary Pilot or Short — Exclusive

Looking for funding for your next documentary short or series? Itvs, which produces the PBS series “Independent Lens,” will launch its latest funding initiative February 17 for projects under 30 minutes.

Short-Form Open Call (previously known as Digital Open Call) considers projects about any topic, and they can be in development or production.The initiative seeks projects that spark dialogue and can engage a young and diverse online audience.

Topics of particular interest include exploring American identity, arts and humanities, criminal justice, disability, health, and rural life.For nonfiction series, Itvs will accept applications for projects either in the research and development phase, which will be eligible for up to $25,000 to help creators bring their ideas to pilot.

The organization will work with creators to develop stories and determine the length and number of episodes.

For series in early-to-mid-production, Itvs will provide production support and funding that varies based on the project.

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