Jamie Dornan Slams Casting Critics: ‘Prejudgment Is Such a F*cking Disease’

Belfast” star Jamie Dornan clapped back at casting criticisms over actors taking on iconic roles in well-known franchises.Dornan, who famously brought Christian Grey to life onscreen in the “Fifty Shades of Grey” trilogy, told Esquire that even A-listers like Robert Pattinson and Daniel Craig aren’t immune to casting backlash.“Prejudgment is such a fucking disease,” Dornan said.

“It’s a disease in all our culture.

In my line of work, sure.

But in general, people prejudge people based on fucking anything really, and it’s very sad.

Look at the reaction when Rob got cast as Batman.

It was like 90 percent negative.”Dornan continued, “Daniel Craig got cast as James Bond — I mean that was 100 percent negative.

It was vile what was written.

It was actually disturbing when you see the fucking venomous anger that people have over casting decisions.

And then guess what? Daniel Craig is fucking brilliant,

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