John Carpenter Was (Understandably) Concerned About The Thing’s Flamethrower Scene

The flamethrower is one of the most delightfully unhinged lethal weapons because it, well, throws flames.

And if you’re a fan of them, you most likely recall instances in pop culture where they have turned up.

Not too long ago, Elon Musk sold 20,000 of them through his Boring Store to extremely high demand.

And the decision to do so was largely based on the scene in “Spaceballs” where Yogurt shows off all the merchandise for the film, including a flamethrower marketed as “a children’s toy.” Quentin Tarantino’s 2019 “Once Upon a Time in Hollywood” includes an exceptional flamethrower scene towards the end where a surprised Leonardo DiCaprio incinerates one of the Manson girls in his swimming pool.

But the flamethrower in all of its chaotic glory is truly the weapon of the horror genre. “Phantasm II” features the weapon in a few choice scenes (take that Tall Man!), and the

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