Johnnie To Set as Jury Head at Malaysia’s MIFFest – Global Bulletin

Malaysian MissionHong Kong icon Johnnie To will head the jury of the sixth edition of the Malaysia International Film Festival (MIFFest) next month.

Other jurors include: Truong Ngoc Anh from Vietnam, Ryuichi Hiroki from Japan, Zizan Razak from Malaysia, and Eric Khoo from Singapore.The event will open with the world premiere of “Eraser,” directed by Mark Lee See Teck.

The Malaysian film features the final on-screen appearance of the late Adibah Noor, a beloved Malaysian gem known for her timeless charisma.

MIFFest will play “See You at the Rally,” directed by Taiwanese filmmaker Kanny Chang as its closing title.

The festival is set to take place at Lalaport Bbcc from July 23-29 and will play a total of 42 films from 15 countries.The festival is building its impact through a series of collaborations with other events.

It will screen a selection of genre titles from this month’s Bucheon…

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