Kinoshita to Rescue Tokyo FILMeX Festival

Japanese property to entertainment group, Kinoshita has come to the rescue of the annual Tokyo FILMeX film festival.

The festival recently lost its principal supporter following the restructuring of Office Kitano.Kinoshita, which owns nursing homes and retail properties, and has entertainment businesses including distributor Kino Films and the Dongyu Club talent agency, is expected to take on both a financial and management role.

The next edition of the festival will now go ahead, as normal, Nov.

17-24, this year.Office Kitano is the production company and talent management firm controlled by director Takeshi Kitano, who also appears under the name Beat Takeshi when performing as an actor or comedian.

In March this year Kitano announced that he would quit Office Kitano, which he founded in 1992.

As the company earned much of its revenues from representing Kitano, his withdrawal has led to job losses at Office Kitano and the scaling

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