‘Love, Simon’ Isn’t Allowed to Be Seen by Anyone Under the Age of 21 in Singapore, Leading to a Petition

A petition has been launched to protest the fact that “Love, Simon” has received a rating of R21 in Singapore, meaning that no one under the age of 21 will be permitted to see it.

Given that the drama concerns a gay teenager coming to terms with his sexuality, that includes much of its target audience.

The Infocomm Media Development Authority’s (Imda) classification information specifically cites the film’s “homosexual theme” as part of the reason for its advisory.The central theme of the film revolves around a homosexual character coming to terms with his identity as “a homosexual and his attempts to gain acceptance from his family and friends,” according to the film’s classification.“The theme of homosexuality, therefore, forms the main narrative of the film as the protagonist is portrayed to overcome his fear of being rejected as a gay male; and coupled with the support of his friends,

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