‘Love, Simon’ Stars Say Gay Teen Romance Will Save Lives

Love, Simon” is a film of important milestones.

Namely, it’s the first mainstream studio romantic comedy told from the perspective of a gay teen.

But perhaps the most extraordinary thing about the Fox release is that it’s so ordinary.

It’s a classic high school tale — one that minted millions for John Hughes — set in the kind of anywhere suburbia that most viewers will instantly recognize.

It’s a fluffier kind of polemic.Still, the historic nature of “Love, Simon” was front of mind at a tastemaker screening at New York City’s Landmark at 57 West on Thursday night.“Moviegoers want to see their stories represented onscreen,” said Nick Robinson, who plays the title character, a well-liked teenager who is hiding the fact that he’s gay.

“Hopefully, this is not the last.

Hopefully, this is the first of many films that show a broader section of life.

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