Marc Maron Blasts ‘F—ing Insecure’ Right Wing ‘Babies’ Outraged by ‘Barbie’ Men Jokes: ‘So Embarrassing For Them’

Marc Maron finally saw Greta Gerwig’s “Barbie” and had nothing but raves to share in a recent TikTok video.

He also blasted conservative figures who expressed outrage over the film due to its jokes aimed at men and the patriarchy.“I saw ‘Barbie’ and it was a fucking masterpiece, and I don’t throw that word around lightly,” Maron said.

“It does a fairly amazing thing.

[It] creates a broad base entertainment product that applies to the entire spectrum, primarily of women, but then seeps it in progressive politics and basic feminism in a way that is funny, informative and well executed.

It’s fucking monumental.

It shouldn’t be, but it’s pretty radical.

I’ve never seen anything like it.”Maron went on to say “the comedy about men is inspired” in the movie.

Barbie” ruffled the feathers of conservative figures as it was opening in theaters.


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