Margot Robbie, Please Don’t Stop Doing This in Your Movies

Barbie leading lady Margot Robbie has been a performer to watch out for ever since she left such a strong impression on audiences in Martin Scorsese’s The Wolf of Wall Street in 2022, but she’s especially hit her stride as an actor in recent years.

Specifically, between seven months from December 2022 to July 2023, Robbie delivered a trio of incredible performances that couldn’t be more different from one another.

First, she played aspiring movie star Nellie Laroy in Babylon, a performance that exuded endless amounts of energy from Robbie.

Here, she was featured doing everything from loudly vomiting on the bourgeoisie to tenderly coming to terms with the concept of death.

Her poignant line deliveries and physicality in her final on-screen moments are truly astonishing to watch.

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