Martin Scorsese Sees Characters Like Travis Bickle Everywhere: ‘Now, Tragically, It’s a Norm’

Forty-seven years after its initial release, Martin Scorsese’s “Taxi Driver” continues to be regarded as a tipping point in film history.

One of the pivotal films of the New Hollywood movement, “Taxi Driver” helped usher in an era of morally dubious antiheroes and movies that offered unflinching looks at societal malaise.

Robert De Niro’s legendary performance as disturbed taxi driver Travis Bickle also provided generations of actors and filmmakers with a template for creating psychologically complex characters who are radicalized by their inner demons.But while the film remains one of his most acclaimed works, Scorsese isn’t thrilled by how much life has imitated art.

In a new interview with GQ, the director looked back on many of the iconic film characters that he’s had a hand in creating over the past five decades.

When the conversation turned to “Taxi Driver,” Scorsese lamented the prevalence of…

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