Mia Farrow Reflects on Her Children’s Deaths to Combat ‘Vicious Rumors’ After ‘Allen v. Farrow’

Mia Farrow has released a statement on the deaths of her children Tam, Lark, and Thaddeus in order to combat the “vicious rumors” that have circulated around their passings in the wake of HBO’s blockbuster documentary series “Allen v.

Farrow.” Moses Farrow, one of Mia’s adopted children who has defended Woody Allen against the child molestation claim made by Dylan Farrow, has disputed the circumstances around the deaths of his three siblings.

“Allen v.

Farrow” did not include mention of the deaths, and many Allen supporters have pointed to the deaths as proof Mia can not be seen as a credible source when it comes to supporting Dylan’s abuse claim.“As a mother of fourteen children, my family means the world to me,” Mia Farrow writes in a statement obtained by IndieWire but also published to her Twitter account.

“While I chose a career that placed me in the public arena,

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