Miles Morales’ Spider-Man Powers Get An Upgrade In Across The Spider-Verse

This post contains spoilers for “Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse.”In the world of Spider-Man comics, Miles Morales is definitely one of the coolest variations of the web-slinging hero.

The Afro-Latino teenager who was first introduced in 2011 by Brian Michael Bendis and Sara Pichelli is a standout version of Spidey not just because he represents people who have rarely seen themselves in comics before, but also because he has some pretty sweet powers.In addition to his basic Spidey sense and the web-shooting abilities that also allow Peter Parker to tie up villains and swing between buildings, Marvel comics Miles ended up equipped with a few extra talents after he was bitten by a different spider than the one that bit Peter.

Namely, in a technique that some real-life arachnids use, Miles can camouflage himself and become near-invisible.

As if all that’s not enough, he also has a move called “venom blast,…

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